21 03, 2024

Springtime Allergies and Migraine: Tips for Managing Seasonal Triggers


Springtime Allergies and Migraine: Tips for Managing Seasonal Triggers By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD As spring arrives, so does the beauty of blossoming flowers, longer days, and warmer weather. However, for many people with migraine, springtime also brings the onset of seasonal allergies, which can exacerbate migraine symptoms [...]

Springtime Allergies and Migraine: Tips for Managing Seasonal Triggers2024-03-21T01:33:18+00:00
6 03, 2024

Riboflavin for Migraine Prevention


Riboflavin for Migraine Prevention By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD While various medications exist for migraine prevention and relief, many individuals seek natural supplements for treatment. Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a non-pharmacological option that has gained attention in recent years. In today’s blog post, we will [...]

Riboflavin for Migraine Prevention2024-03-06T20:10:11+00:00
19 10, 2023

Stigma and Migraine


Stigma and Migraine By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD It is well-known that individuals living with migraine have a constellation of symptoms such as pain, nausea, fatigue, sensitivities to light, sound and smell, dizziness, memory changes and mood changes. What is less talked about is how they experience the [...]

Stigma and Migraine2023-10-19T23:00:27+00:00
2 10, 2023

Fall Migraine Triggers


Fall Migraine Triggers By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD Fall is in the air! Fall began on September 22nd, and it can be a favorite time for those who love picturesque landscapes, candy apples, pumpkin spice lattes, the list can go on. However, for those with migraine and headache [...]

Fall Migraine Triggers2023-10-02T20:33:19+00:00
15 09, 2023

Medication Overuse Headache AKA Medication Adaptation Headache


Medication Overuse Headache AKA Medication Adaptation Headache By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD Medication overuse headache (MOH), also known as medication adaptation headache, is a common neurological disorder that has a major role in the transformation from episodic to chronic headache disorders [1]. MOH is also known as analgesic [...]

Medication Overuse Headache AKA Medication Adaptation Headache2023-09-15T03:18:09+00:00
2 09, 2023

Gut-Brain Axis, Part II – Nausea


Gut-Brain Axis, Part II - Nausea By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD The gut-brain axis is a communication network that links the enteric and central nervous systems. The components linking the gut and the brain include the autonomic nervous system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, and nerves within the gastrointestinal (GI) [...]

Gut-Brain Axis, Part II – Nausea2023-09-02T20:22:53+00:00
19 08, 2023

Gut Brain Axis and Migraine


Gut Brain Axis and Migraine By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD The gut-brain axis (GBA) is defined by the communication between the central nervous system (CNS)  and the enteric nervous system (ENS) [1]. The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord, and is responsible for receiving, processing, and [...]

Gut Brain Axis and Migraine2023-08-19T22:52:17+00:00
5 07, 2023

Migraine and Menopause


Migraine and Menopause By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD Menstruation, perimenopause, and menopause all affect individuals with migraine. Menopause is considered when you have missed your period for 12 months. [1]. The average age of menopause is 51, and it occurs in all menstruating women. There are various hormonal [...]

Migraine and Menopause2023-07-05T19:56:50+00:00
16 06, 2023

Depression and Headache


Depression and Headache By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD Past research has shown that many individuals who have a mental health diagnosis also experience headaches or migraine [1,2]. Living with a headache disorder can trigger depression or other mood disorders, as it may affect the individual’s quality of life. [...]

Depression and Headache2023-06-16T11:15:49+00:00
6 06, 2023

Benefits of Daily Exercise for Migraine Attacks


Benefits of Daily Exercise for Migraine Attacks By: Brooklyn A. Bradley, BS; Medically edited by Dr. Deena Kuruvilla, MD Exercise is beneficial for your physical and mental health. There is evidence to suggest that regular exercise can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks [1]. Exercise can also reduce stress, which is a common migraine trigger. [...]

Benefits of Daily Exercise for Migraine Attacks2023-06-06T03:12:07+00:00