2306, 2021

Thyroid Problems and Migraine

Our medical director, Dr. Deena Kuruvilla was recently spotlighted in a podcast by the Association of Migraine Disorders! A link to the podcast video can be found here, but to [...]

1604, 2021

New Research: Stigma and Migraine

At the Westport Headache Institute, we strongly believe that medical research is important. In the April 2021 issue of Pain Medicine, we have a new research article entitled 'Presence of Stigma [...]

202, 2021

5 Fast Questions About Migraine in Pregnancy

At the Westport Headache Institute, we often see patients who present with migraine during and after pregnancy. Although it is common knowledge that migraine is associated with changes in hormones, [...]

2812, 2020

Sinus Headache or Migraine?

Is there such a thing as “sinus headache?” Many media sites note that a 'sinus headache' is characterized as pain or pressure within the sinuses associated with fevers, chills, runny [...]

2412, 2020

Mindfulness During Stress

As we noted in our original article on Introduction to Mindfulness for Migraine and our follow-up article on Mindful Body Scan Meditation , mindfulness can play a significant role [...]

1812, 2020

Top 5 Holiday Migraine Triggers

Although we love our holidays in December, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind. At the Westport Headache Institute, we are all about keeping it calm and [...]