Auriculotemporal Nerves and Headache: Top 5 Questions
Although migraine can have many causes, many patients can attribute their headaches to the auriculotemporal nerve. In this article, we'll briefly talk about why it's important to learn about this [...]
Mindful Body Scan Meditation
As we noted in our original article on Introduction to Mindfulness for Migraine, mindfulness can play a significant role in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine. In this follow-up [...]
Headaches in COVID-19 Patients
Hot off the press! We're excited to note that Dr. Kuruvilla's research article was just published in the journal 'Headache' -- it's entitled "Headache in Patients With Severe Acute Respiratory [...]
Top 5 Thanksgiving Migraine Food Triggers
Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect on what we are thankful for and celebrate safely with our friends and family. It's also a great time to eat delicious foods [...]
Introduction to Mindfulness for Migraines
At the Westport Headache Institute, we're excited to be partnering with clinical psychologist Dr. Mary Motwani, PhD. Although there are many procedural and medicinal tools to help patients with [...]
Brain Health Podcast
Our medical director, Dr. Deena Kuruvilla M.D., was recently interviewed by Dr. Bradford Cooper of Catalyst Health Wellness and Performance Coaching. This podcast touches on wide variety of topics, including: [...]
This is the first article on our new website at the Website Headache Institute. We hope to publish a couple articles every month detailing new advances in headache literature, as [...]